How one online brand uses Source Medium to measure the “pulse” of their business

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The Challenge

Duradry launched in 2017 with a mission to develop effective sweat and body odor management products using naturally-derived ingredients. Their range of antiperspirants, body washes, sprays, wipes and powders are available on Amazon and their website for one-time purchase or subscription.

Online brands know leveraging data is crucial for business growth and optimizing revenue. But Duradry felt the analytics offered by leading e-commerce platforms like Shopify were too limited. They wanted a tool that would allow them to dive deeper into their owned data, giving them greater transparency about their sales and customers.

“We wanted to have all the data about retention and churn, not only for subscribers, but also for one-off purchases,” Jack Benzaquen, founder of Duradry, explains. By understanding the experiences of their customers in greater detail, Duradry hoped to increase retention, transforming more one-off purchases into recurring subscriptions.

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Every business has a pulse, and the way to align yourself with the pulse of your business is through a tool like Source Medium.

The solution

Duradry chose Source Medium for its detailed insights, ease of use, and its effectiveness at responding directly to the needs of their business.

“There’s so much data that the only way to uncover trends is to have a tool like Source Medium to actually run those queries,” Benzaquen explains.

Although other tools offer various reporting templates, customization stood out as one of Source Medium’s key points of differentiation: “Their team can create any chart or report you want, and you can manipulate that data however you like.”

“It’s also useful for when VCs ask you difficult questions,” adds Benzaquen. “You instantly have the right data to provide.”

Source Medium’s numerous third-party integrations also give brands like Duradry a greater sense of agency and visibility.

“When it comes to integrations, Source Medium is doing a great job,” Benzaquen says. “It’s one of the few solutions that integrates Amazon into the mix. That’s really important because, at this point, most brands are on Amazon, but Amazon only shows brands a small portion of its data; Source Medium can extract Amazon’s raw data and present it in a more useful way.”

Benzaquen recalls the simplicity of the on-boarding process: the Source Medium team were available from the outset to assist his business to make full use of its features and insights.

“The support from the team is fabulous,” says Benzaquen. “They’ve helped us with everything. We have a Slack channel with them, and whenever we have a question about a particular report or chart, they’re there for us. On-boarding and day-to-day, the team has been great.”

Duradry now relies on Source Medium to monitor the business’ most important KPIs:  

“It’s a tool that gives us greater transparency and understanding about our business, allowing us to identify actionable outcomes.”

For Benzaquen, Source Medium is more than an analytic tool; it’s central to monitoring Duradry’s day-to-day performance and long-term growth.

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